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Dr.Vita said:
Ryng_Tolu said:

Oh, in this case, Vita TV = Vita

2,500 + 2,500 = Vita total sales 5,000.



In February i don't know what is happen, but Vita was some good deals in Amazon and even some promotion on GameStop and other, so, the Vita TV sales in February are explode, but still at Vita level...

Definitive by March the Vita sales are back "normal", so, i think Vita is between x3 and x5 TV sales.

He wants to say that Playstation Vita did 30k without new games or bundles in February 2015.
30k could be the baseline of PS Vita. 

Vita sold 150,000 in December. i think the Vita basis can be 150k. no.

February is the most important month withouth holidays in the US, look all console in February (Withouth 3DS because of course did amazing thanks the new version):

PS4: 342,000

XBO: 276,000

WU: 96,000



Battlefield+BloodBorne+Type 0 = PS4 sold less than in February...

The same for XBO, and March is a 5 weeks month VS 4 weeks February.


WU with Mario Party in March have sold less than in February, even if February have 4 weeks...


In short, February is too big month, is not possible that Vita in month like April/May can do at the February level, unrless some important fact like pricedrop or a new game (and maybe not even in this case).