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PEEPer0nni said:

It's all about ethics. I have nothing against dlc, but i hate when they are annouced before the game release. The Old Blood, First Light, Left Behind are good dlc, and i don't mind paying for them. 16 free ''dlc's'' is a stupid idea too. These days the way it is handled often is, to just drops random stuff into the game which changes the pacing and flow of the game. It often ruins the original tightly designed and well tested flow of the game even if the DLC is good content. This is why i only appreciate stand-alone expansions.

So you prefer devs just not announce preplanned DLC (which most DLC is pre-planned before the game's actual release) and wait until after a game is released? Yeah that sounds real ethical.

You realize you are tacitly advocating that developers hold back information on their business practices in order to deceive their customers right? Ethics dictates that they do exactly what they are doing. They are being upfront about their DLC/season pass AND they are making the game available without DRM nor are they trying to hunt down pirates etc. I'd say these guys are the epitomy of ethical.

I bought the game and the season pass. I never buy season passes and rarely do I even buy dlc content (unless its in a GOTY package pr something) because I like thier games and I support their business practices.