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I really enjoyed MH3 and MH3U, but like you was hesitant to get into MH4U. But I got it and did have fun but with some irks.

To answer your questions
- If you are only interested in a few games then probably wait longer, there will always be a price drop and new bundle. The only thing you would miss out on it playing online with a mass load of people.

-Again if you are not a fan of handhelds then that may sour your enjoyment. I like the 3DS but it took time to like (mainly to get used to a 6-7 hour battery life which I loathe).

- The controls are the same as MH3 but somehow feel differently. The monster lock on camera is really useful (was in MH3U too) while the circle nub helps a little bit but not a whole lot. I mainly used the camera stick just for gathering to watch my back.

- The cost is definitely an issue, the game doesnt need to be played on the New 3DS but it does load a little faster and has slightly enhanced details, such as shadows.

There is no concrete evidence that it wont be on other consoles apart from knowing it is Capcom and they will always find a way to not spend money if they dont have to.

To me the game is good, lots more monsters, weapons, more involving solo story, simpler online (although no mid-hunt voice or text chat is very lame). Its just the controls feel a little off (not bad) and the game is much harder than MH3 or MH3U.

I am sure you will enjoy it immensely but if money is tight you can always wait a little bit longer. Who knows, E3 might have something.

Australian Gamer (add me if you like)               
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