Wright said:
Einsam_Delphin said:
Where did you get that from? I've only said the campaign wont be a reason why it loses points based on their impressions, not that it wont be talked about because of course it will.
But why not if the campaign turns out to be bad? Just a mere throwaway thing like I said? That's precisely what happened to Battlefield 3. An online-oriented game who got criticised because, well, the campaign was an atrocious affair.
It wont be based on their impressions. It's much different from the other modes which are hetic n fast paced while the campaign is calmer and you can take your time. It also has a more platformer focus similar to Galaxy, and it's levels have a lot of variety, and of course it's got a story to flesh out Splatoon's world. Nothing bad or throwaway to be seen here.