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3rd party support will only increase as time goes on. 3rd parties follow the money train and this generation that's Nintendo. However it doesn't happen overnight. Look at how many PS3 games that we knew about PRIOR to launch STILL haven't been released: GT5, MGS4, FFXIII, etc. As Mike_intellivision noted, everyone expected Sony to dominate again and gambled on them. Too late did they realize their mistakes. Now as games finally finish those teams will be put to work on Wii titles (not all of course, there is still money in 360/PS3) but then those games will take 1.5-2.5 years to make from that point.

Good news - it's happening now. Expect some nice surprises at E3. Wii has a much shorter development cycle than HD systems, so Wii owners will get 1.5-3 AAA titles produced for every 1 HD AAA title. By the end of this generation this argument will be reversed. HD consoles owners will be wondering how to get more 3rd party support.

Otherwise - Nintendo could publish a lot more (2nd) 3rd party games to help things along. It's not like they are hurting for cash....