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Runa216 said:
Bah. I think I really have hit a block in this game. I'm right at the end, and have three threads to complete:

1 - Martyr Longarius - I can't figure out for the life of me how to avoid his attacks, though he's the one I'm closest to conquering. Ah well, whatever the case, I just don't feel I'm making any progress.

2 - Daughter of the Cosmos - For the life of me I can't avoid his attacks and he hits like a tank. I Can't even get to mode 2 anymore, once I do (have twice), she instakills me with her laser things. I just Find her so annoying!

3 - Nightmare of Mensis - Just unacceptably annoying. That stupid enemy in the far off distance doing the frenzy thing, which does like 80% damage every time and I can't avoid it, not to mention the incredibly obnoxious enemies. I try just running past, but then the spiders attack me, then I avoid them, too because I can't kill them, then after that the two hunters...and I just can't get past that even with me just running.

Point is, I think I'm done. It stopped being fun when I hit all three of these roadblocks that I can't overcmome. 99% of the game seems to revolve around the idea that if you are smart, take your time, memorize the enemies and learn from your mistakes, you will get better, and you will overcome.

Now it's nothing but frustration and I just don't see myself winning out over these enemies. it got stupid hard, and considerably more cheap, therefore not fun anymore. A Shame, too, because in the matter of an hour, I went from absolutely loving this game to flat-out hating it. Am I missing something here? Something that would make things easier? Something that would make the game less annoying and more fair? or do I just suck?

1) Marty Logarius is  parry-able, to make the battle a little easier make sure you have the runes the "restore 200 hp every visceral attacks" and %20 more damage w/ viseral attacks, when I fought him he tends to usually use his sycthe more than his magic when your close to him, also just shooting will sometimes cancel/interupt his actions. To add to that Logarius sometimes does a side step if you shoot him, some people online(and me) used this tactic to move him into a corner and go at him. the only move I coudn't completely avidd was that magic attack that shot endless spikes, you really had to manuver those small pillar to avoid that attack but made it easy for logarius to attack you.

2) Daughter of Cosmos was a BITCH!!!(was probably the most I died on a boss in the game) the key to this fight (imo) is to definetlty wait for openings, I used the Ludwig's Holy Blade for the battle(along with Logarius) when she slamed her head on the ground I'd use my a heavy attacks to hit her, if you hit the head enough she will become temporarily stunned enough to  hit it more or (what you should do) a visceral attack(and again use the recommend runes above) and you'll be able to land a few more hits after the visceral attack. As for the laser attacks their pretty easy to dodge, but I would recommend to lock on her to see when it's coming; usually she does a roar and all her tentacles rise in the air.

3) Nightmare of mensis isn't so bad, to escape  being frenzied, hide behind the rocks and the frenzy won't get you use pebbles to lure enemies to where the first lamp is and fight them there most covered space and just run past those rock-throwing enemies; also make sure you have sedatives and the 200+ frenzy defense when you get to the spiders lure them one by one by using pebbles.(but yeah spiders hit like a brick for some reason and it's fucking BS those frenzy enemies can see from that distance) this area literally made me worship the pebble, also make sure you play offline the first part as this is one of the areas will you can easily be invaded thanks the the bell ringing woman.