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A lot of you are over estimating the importance of the Playstation brand and underestimating the importance of price. Games are important but not as important we, most of us here a hardcore gamers, think. If games were the number on factor the 360 would be outselling the Wii and PS3.

I actually think I went to high on my lowest reasonable prediction for PS3. The PS3 will never be equal in price to either the 360 or the Wii. Most consoles are sold after they reach the $200 price point. The PS3 will be the last to hit that price point by at least a year. Price will always hinder the sales of the PS3 and the longer it lags behind in sales the less consumer mind share it will receive. Lower consumer mind share means lowers sales and diminishing support from third parties.

What the PS1 and PS2 sold is irrelevant. I keep seeing that point brought up. It that were a valid point we'd all be playing the latest Atari console right now in the US, Amiga's would still rule Europe, and the Nintendo 64 & Gamecube would have been number one consoles in Japan.