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Rath said:
However GBallzack both FF13 and MGS4 are popular enough exclusives to matter. I realise this Im just claiming that they both 'might' be ported or have some of their thunder stolen by bad press about the PS3.

I think a 90M lowest estimate for the Wii is ridiculous though =$, each to their own I guess.

I suppose you're right, I honestly forgot we were suppossed to put the lowest and I just put what I thought they would probably be. Silly mistake on my part.

FF13 and MGS4 may indeed pull that weight, but its hard to say. Obviously there is the threat of each being ported (though more so realistically for MGS4 than FF) and obviously there is the chance they won't convince the casual consumer to buy a PS3, but they're still an x-factor to be played. Again though MGS has been a declining franchise, This title obviously holds more appeal than MGS3 with its 3+ years of hype now, but I doubt it will do better than MGS2 or MGS. FF13, it all depends really, it'll probably be huge in Japan, possibly the straw that break's the camel's back for America's interest in a franchise that has irritated them with continuing and self admitingly lazy business practices. I think for many casual gamers FF has lost its luster and has become visually gosh and thematically trite with the same emo/goth/punk style recycled with each game. FF is also a moderately declining franchise as well though obviously still very strong in Japan. Too many factors to weigh now to be sure, but I don't see them making too great a difference in my opinion.