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Graphics are not the end all be all for me.  I play video games to have fun.  I don't need to forget I'm playing a game and feel like I'm watching a movie.  If that were the case, I'd watch a movie instead.  And even then, the same applies for me.  My brother told me that people "got lost in the world of Avatar and felt depressed leaving the theater as they re-entered reality."  My experience watching Avatar was very different and far more disappointing.  Just because the movie had top of the line CGI didn't change the fact that it was still Dances with Wolves set in space.  I'd also prefer to watch the original cartoons than the CGI remakes of Scooby-Doo, the Smurfs, Alvin and the Chipmunks, etc.  Anyway, back on the topic of video games, if I'm plunking $60 down for a game, it better be fun and last longer than 6 hours.  Because I can buy three 3 hour epic movies for that price and get far more enjoyment (probably more replay/re-watch value too) than a game that relies on visuals alone as its selling point.  Don't get me wrong though.  If the game has the whole package, then that's great, and I'm all for it.  But, graphics should take a backseat to gameplay (the whole purpose of "playing" a video game), and story.  It should enhance those aspects, rather than trump them.