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Hell yes I've played it. If I remember I played it through twice so I could get all the weapons. Once on normal difficulty and then once on hard. I thought it was a very fun game and I especially loved all of the crazy weapons. And I've also played all the way through GeOW with a friend. Thought it was a fun game but GD was that one of the most poorly told stories ever. Now let me help you out with this. If you liked GeOW I'm not going to tell you it sucked, I didn't like it but that doesn't mean it was of low quality, just means my tastes are different then yours. Your opinion is not any better than my opinion.

If you want to go purely based on numbers we can go with gamerankings where resistance is an 86.7 and GeOW is a 93.8. Not nearly enough of a difference to call Resistance a poor game.

also in case you actually checked my game database, I admit I had forgotten to add it, what can I say it's been a while since I bought it.
