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mike_intellivision said:
Let's see ...a console with
-- inferior graphics compared to the competition
-- massive amounts of shovelware
-- an appeal to casual gamers
-- inferior on-line gaming experience
-- holding on to old tech through backwards compatability
-- and selling to beat the band

Folks, I've just described -- the PS2. All it did was clean everyone's clock in sales
(PS2 > 2*(Xbox+GC))

Admittedly, the PS2 opened with better third-party support -- mainly because of the PS1. But it was predicted to do well. The Wii was thought to be Nintendo's last gasp. Now it has had as much success as the Last Hope. And some can't accept that things have shifted.

Mike from Morgantown

LoL, so Nintendo took the PS2's strategy and the PS3 took the Xboxes, and sales reflected changing times. 


I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.