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Soundwave said:

Nintendo's policies to third parties were draconian in the 80s/90s, that said Playstation fans always convienantly gloss over the Genesis. The Genesis provided competetion, so by the early 90s, Nintendo's "monopoly" on the console market was a non-issue.

Also the whole "consoles were toys before" is such a lark too. The Sega Genesis and Sega CD were designed to look like high end stereo components for an adult, not toys, so again, Sega did that first.

If anything Sony did nothing but rip Sega off ... Crash Bandicoot is an obvious knock off of Sonic the Hedgehog, Tekken was their answer to Virtua Fighter, Ridge Racer to Sega's arcade racers. Sega was already doing all the same stuff in the mid-90s, Sony just piggy-backed on what Sega was doing and took advantage of poor decision making by Sega's Japan division.

If there was no Playstation, the Saturn simply would've just taken the third party titles that Sony got (FFVII, Tekken, MGS, etc.) and they would've sold 80-100 million Saturns, thus putting them in a great position for the following gen. Nintendo would've taken their licks and come back at Sega the next-gen with the GameCube. 

The Saturn would never have sold 80 to 100 million with or without the Playstations existence. Nintendo still maintained control over most third party and they wouldn't have wanted to screw the pooch and Sega has been notorious for pissing off third party with their erratic behavior. Sony was a breath of fresh air to third party and those who wanted a multimedia device hence the Playstations popularity. Sega would never have been as popular as the Playstation and would never have expanded the industry.

Sony was the mega corporation looking down upon two smaller entities in that time period. They understood how to dominate without personally affecting either of them, which was partnering with most third party instead of arguing with them like Nintendo or creating faulty launches out of fear like Sega.

Third party needed a company that share their vision and could usher in a new era of gaming. Neither Nintendo or Sega were up to the task so Sony took their cookies.