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KLXVER said:
bunchanumbers said:

I got faith in Nintendo. They'll turn him into something good. I wouldn't be shocked if they give him a unique set that is completely different. Then make Toadette as a clone with slightly different abilities.

Thats what Im talking about though. They are giving fans a blank slate to name any character and they go for stuff like the 20th Mario character.

Arent you more curious to see non Nintendo characters? Some that would actually stand out. Like Snake did. 

Simon Belmont would be cool. Maybe Lara Croft? Or how about Earthworm Jim? Hell lets go nuts and nominate Duke Nukem

Nope I'm not interested in another 3rd party character unless its Bayonetta. Because they have to work out deals with 3rd party publishers and there is no guarantee they will be able to bring those guys back. Instead Nintendo will end up getting flooded with requests for characters that Nintendo has no control over. I'd rather have it be a Nintendo character that they can bring back.