PieToast said:
I love the series, and I know almost everything there's know about the story... Maybe too much. Though I still enjoy context more than canon. Which is the reason why I can still play them afterwards. Plus I already did a marathon early last year in anticipation for TPP :P. P.S. I earned my bragging right! Colorado gets pretty damn cold for a person who came from Saudi, which also gets pretty damn cold in the winter. However, the blues don't just come from the cold weather you know. |
Ahhh fair enough! I love the series as well but I have gotten into it only recently (I am a late adopter of the PS3 and have played through about 40 new games from 7th and 6th generations in just over a year lol) so this is only my 2nd playthrough of the series.
P.S. Oh I believe it! Can't be any worse than the -40 celsius I dealt with in Northern Canada tho ;) hehe. A great big true that to your second point