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RolStoppable said:
Aeolus451 said:

So you're telling me what I'm thinking now? Please, stop with rhetoric about nintendo not being intended for kids. It's like trying to say power rangers was for adults. Yeah, some adults watched it but that doesn't change what demographic it was intended or marketed towards. Yes, anyone can play 'em. It's marketed to this day as 'The console the whole family could enjoy." 

 Nintendo brought many rpgs into being and plenty of other series. I never downplayed that nor will I ever. Some people are acting like if sony never went into the gaming market, all of those third party games that started or were popularized on a playstation console would of just ended up on any of the consoles. Playstation and Nintendo cater to completely different demographics/fan bases. Some publishers might not of took a big risk with a new IP on a console where that genre doesn't fair well. Do Call of duty games do well on nintendo's consoles compared to how well those games do on other consoles? Hell no and the publishers/Devs know that as well.

How well would of titanfall done on the wii u if it released on it instead of the xbox consoles? Would it been able to beat just the xbox one's sales of titanfall? No. 

Am I lying or skewing facts when I say mature games generally don't do well on nintendo consoles? 

Oh please, Power Rangers is mindboggingly stupid, although it highlights how low of an opinion you have of Nintendo. A more appropriate comparison would be Pixar movies which feature themes and humor that adults can appreciate. Nevermind that Nintendo has always had IPs that don't do much or anything for kids, so it's not like everything Nintendo does falls in the same category.

Goldeneye 007 sold 8m copies on the Nintendo 64, so in a hypothetical scenario where Sony didn't enter the market (and subsequently Microsoft wouldn't enter either), FPS games and other "mature" titles would have continued to thrive on Nintendo consoles. PlayStation and Nintendo don't cater to completely different demographics, that should be clear when you look at how Monster Hunter disarmed Sony's handheld business. It's essentially like PS didn't exist, the third party game (Monster Hunter) ended up on another platform (Nintendo's) and gamers followed.

I'm not even gonna dare say anything about handhelds. I purposely kept my head in the sand with that kind of platform. That's completely nintendo's domain and I have no interest in it. Actually, I don't have that low of a opinion of nintendo. If you would of started a thread like this for nintendo, I would of been pitching a similar arguement for nintendo but I'm sure I would debated with a lot less.