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JayWood2010 said:

lol this is more of a megaton than the other megaton. Well played Tbone

SF is the biggest 2D fighter of last generation so it certainly has a big fanbase, but would one character make them jump to Smash Bros? No, because people are playing SF because its SF, not because of one character.

Not that i disagree with you, but you wont believe some people that wont/would play a game if said character isnt/is in the game.

I do agree with SF part, not going to get waves of SF fans aboard but it definitely can grab a few. TBH i see it the other way more, SSB fans that end up like Ryu if in SSB might give SF a shot. 

SSB did this with FE, and my brother jumped on the classic megaman train after his reveal in SSB :p

Nintendo will just make alot of money off of Ryu. I mean they are making more money from Megaman than Capcom is :p