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ReimTime said:

You may ask why I picked all those bittersweet endings and not any happy ones. Maybe it's because they are more memorable, or maybe because I've seen an over-saturation? I hope you guys can bear with me here, but another reason is because of how I relate to them. I like this community, and this is a story I have shared many times before, so I feel comfortable sharing it again.

When I was 14, I found out my father had terminal brain cancer. My Grandma and Grandpa died in the same year, so you could sarcastically say I got two chances to prepare for the inevitable day, but it only made it harder. It shook my family to the core, seeing the strongest man in my life fade away. He was my Boss; my mentor. He didn't miraculously recover after I found some mysterious space rock or something, he just gradually deteriorated until he inevitably passed away. I couldn't fight 16 magical beasts to bring him back either; he was just gone. After he died my accomplishments felt worthless. He did not live to see my valedictorian speech at graduation, or my first college ball game. Why should I feel proud, when the biggest reason I pushed for those things was gone?

That's why I like what these ending's portray. Life isn't fair at all, it really is just a fleeting dream. Sometimes people close to you die, or leave your life for reasons you do not understand, and there is nothing you can do to stop it from happening. You can't bring them back either, so you try to carry their legacy, and stand tall instead of dwelling on how unfair it may be. And you know what? I have grown to become ok with that. None of those characters just rolled over when they were faced with death and adversity. Like Snake, I gave a silent salute to my father and mentor, and I continue to try to make him proud. Life isn't fair and loss does hurt, but no matter what, there will always be something to fight for. He was strong up until he was gone, and I honor him by doing the same.

Wow man, made my heart hurt reading it, but thanks for sharing. Sounds like your dad left an awesome legacy and you're doing a great job of carrying that on. 

OP, my favorite endings are the ones that struck me emotionally or I connect with great years in my life. So any of the Zelda games, the ending to Illusion of Gaia (I bawl like a bitch every time), and The Last of Us. 

I also love the endings to some old NES games like Ninja Gaiden and the Mega Mans because of their insane difficulty. It feels like such an accomplishment to beat them. 

It'll be awhile before I figure out how to do one of these. :P