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Future of the Next Pokemon Games, Possibly Hinted by Anime Eps?


We all know anime is closely related to the games, something i noticed in the anime listing is the frequent Gym Battle Eps, seems kinda fast paced between Gyms 3-5 and we have the ep title already for Gym 6. Could this be another 3 year Gen? Pokemon Gen 7 could be potentially be a 2016 release especially of Pokemon Z comes out This year...


Here are the episode listing... (i reduced it to show off just gym battles)

Pokemon XY starts off at Ep 804! So here we goooooo.....

~Gym 1 Ep 808/809

~Gym 2 Ep 828

~Gym 3 Ep 847

~Gym 4 Ep 861

~Gym 5 Ep 870 (just aired last week)

~Gym 6 Ep 877 (End of May)


For a better look, Episode of Gym 1 to 2 and 2 to 3 were about Four and the Half Months apart. Gym 3 to Gym 4 was roughly 3 months, but Interesting enough Gym 4 to Gym 5 was 9 weeks apart, while Gym 6 is 7 weeks apart.

