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This seems like an extremely fair/balanced review to me. Take that Eurogamer...

IGN review

"Using the Wii remote, you can point at the screen and aim with a higher level of accuracy and speed than was previously possible. The controls haven't been magically overhauled. You can't all of a sudden target and shoot enemies while running, for example. You will still need to stop walking to shoot. But the extra speed and accuracy count for a lot. Birds that flew away before you could cap them in the GCN build will be a breeze to shoot dead in the Wii game. Headshots will come more naturally. Targeting legs and arms won't pose a problem. You will with very little practice be able to walk through environments with the analog stick, all the while setting up your next shot with pinpoint accuracy using the Wii remote. It's an undeniable improvement in control and one that helps you play better."

"I always approach a review like this with some level of caution. The original Resident Evil 4 was an exceptional effort and little has changed in the two years since it debuted. But there it is, right? It's a two-year-old port with a handful of enhancements. How do you re-review that? The process wasn't nearly as difficult as it could've been. Our ratings scale exists to define our scores, and there's little doubt that RE4 remains as engaging, frightening and atmospheric as it was on 2005. Old or not, it's still great, and it deserves its place in Wii's top-tier of titles. The visuals aren't as impressive as they once were, true, but Wii owners do walk away with improved controls that enable a greater degree of shooting speed and accuracy, a true 16:9 widescreen mode and all the content extras of the PS2 build – all for a bargain price of $29.99. If you played the GameCube original, consider the Wii game the ultimate collector's edition – frankly, that's what it is; the culmination of the best from its predecessors with some added Wii improvements. And if you have never played RE4 before, consider the Wii release an absolute must-own experience."


Basically - it gets marked down for graphics (fair enough) considering that it is an old title, and the Wii can do much better these days. But the Wii version is easily the best of the RE4 releases to date.



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