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super6646 said:
Aura7541 said:

What does that even supposed to mean? PS4 beat the XBO in February and January, as well.

Feb had The order 1886, and well XB1 was same price for 1/2 the month in Jan. And well XB1 does crap when its the same price. I'd wait for April, when both have no major exclusives and the XB1 has a price advantage.

I am not trying to be funny or jump in your convo....but did you jut use The Order as an excuse as for why the PS4 won Feb? And then in Jan used it was the same price for 1/2 month? So it should have outsold the PS4 in Jan using that logic because the PS4 had nothing while for half the month the XB1 was cheaper. So why wait until April? It didn't outsell it in Jan with a half month advantage at a lower price. I guess it just doesn't make sense to me. I personally want both to do well but it just loooked like you were throwing out excuses IMO. No offense though.



I want to know the exact numbers for all systems! Not bad 3DS and I feel bad for the Wii U even though it is up YOY that number still makes me sad

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23