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Einsam_Delphin said:
Roar_Of_War said:

I disagree. MK8 has better balance because MK7, like MKWii, is overly reliant on items. You can trash 8 for only needing to worry about red shells, but you can trash MK7 for having way too much defense for everything beyond blue shells. You don't even need to worry about triple reds in MK7 when the tail reflects everything back anyway. 

The only flaw with MK8's item system, which I will admit to, is that coins are a bit too prominent as items. However, even 2 coins give you a speed boost due to the coin system. It may not be a perfect system, but the old ways of MK before 8 were FAR from perfect as well, and to act as if that system was even a single bit more balanced is ridiculous to me. You may be more used to MK the way Wii and 7 were, but that doesn't mean it was ever a good thing.

The tracks between both, are pretty equal to me, however. But with DLC, MK8 has more of them objectively.

Items are just as prevalent in MK8 as they've ever been, the only thing that's changed is their effect on the game. Instead of helping make comebacks, creating exciting dynamic races like in past games, they mostly just keep you where you are, simplifying races to whoevers in 1st after the first 10 seconds most likely wins, making for a more predictable and boring game.

I've explained how MK7 is very much more balanced in the OP, so feel free to refute my points or give reasons why it's not, as just saying it's not doesn't mean anything by itself. I know the issues MKWii had, most all of which were fixed in MK7, though it has a few things I'd tweak still, but I can still say both games had better balance for the reasons explained already, MK7 moreso of course.

More tracks sure, but those additional tracks still have the same problem of being too straightforward and lacking depth in comparison to MK7's, so gameplay wise they don't change anything. DLC and additional content n updates are an advantage in itself over MK7 though which helped cause the draw.

Also the only thing that can defend against Triple Reds is a triple item of your own, the Tanooki Tail would only delay the inevitable. In that scenario you can hit the brakes and either let them pass to take out those in front like you should always do, or try and hit them with the Tail.

You can't say "items are just as prevalent in MK8" and then go on to say they change little during the game. That's a blatant contradiction, and yes, whatever your intent is trying to say, it's still a blatant contradiction.

MK8 items are "not" as prevalent compared to past MK titles. They have been toned down objectively by restricting racers to a single item at a time, and instead relies more on racing. Items are still obviously a big part of the game, but in MKWii, and 7, that's 90% of every race. MK8 is closer to even compared to those games, and everything you say is proving this with your "you don't change your position, that's boring". Perhaps that's because this is the first MK game you've played in a while where items are not 100% guarantee'd crutches to win in the place of skill? I can say, in fact, that MKDS was also more skill based which could perhaps be one of the reasons you didn't enjoy it as much. MK7 was heavily criticized for lacking the depth of MKDS at release.

Almost every item has the ability to turn things around if your racing ability and set up is good enough to keep up with other racers. I've been behind many times for half of the race and turned things around with both good driving and items, so I can already conclude your accusation false. The problem is that the item balance isn't broken enough for you to stand on that alone anymore, and that isn't a bad thing to me. It's the opposite.

And yes, you can find flaws with MK8's system (the coins, for example), but we can find very easy flaws in past MK's as well. Much more, imo. And at least the flaws in MK8 don't reduce the game entirely to luck. (Despite the entire series having luck play a factor to some degree) 

As for tracks, since when were any of MK7's tracks in-depth? Most of them are par for the course series' standards. Have you bothered to look up strats for MK8 tracks? Have you bothered using Fire Hopping and every option available to you?