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Ouroboros24 said:

Dunban67 said:
Nintendo knows their market share has been and continues to shrink. THey have not been able to do anythng in the last several years to change that- They also know their core fan base is loyal and has a high tolerance when it comes to Nintendo taking advantage of them- So they are selling multiple sku s to the same core group over and over again- -Yeah, just about what I said.  The cores will give it an effort to try to attain one of these things, but the casual, you included since you don't seem so interested in Amiibo enough to hunt for it, the casual will get a copy of the most figurine made.  Casual players will get the casual characters. If you think this is wrong, Nintendo did it, not me, don't be angry at me. 
The Amiibo market is being driven by collectors, scalpers and/or serious Nintendo fans that want 1 or more complete groups to save, invest and/or collect-(and never opening many of them) The demand for Amiibo IS NOT being driven by game play which is too bad as game play is what will drive longer term demand- But it is just not there now -Yeah, basically what you said, I agree.  But I also see this being more privalent in the future.  Tacked on things like the costumes in MK8 are not worth buying amiibo for.  But, the promise of amiibo is still interesting in the heart and minds of those who are truly fans.  ANd if it's just the same core fans, good luck to them because scalpers got it on the dot.

Intentionally short supplying the market is short term business- it is a "profit now" mentality that many Co's that sell thru retail could also employ but rarely do- at least not intentionally- They are continuing to frustrate/anger part of their shrinking core base and alienating potential new customers all for quick profits going back to the same group of people again and again- -Again, yeah, I agree.  But isn't that what Nintendo is doing?  How hard is it to boost supply?  How hard?  It's been since December 2014 and 4 months later still no second wave of marth Amiibo.  And even if they did supply demand amiibo, they wouldn't be able to keep everyone happy because there are 50 plus characters to run through.  ANd they are to make enough and also know how much that number is to be.  Perhaps saying intentionally short supplying is not the description here.  Due to the nature of the business with Amiibo and the many characters, they are forced to supply as they are now.  And I'm betting that once the next Marth amiibo ends, they will not continue to redistribute the figurine because other second run through for another character. 

 Want game play with that Amiibo?- tough buy it now or risk never owning (fill in the blank) - Want to play Xenoblade Chronicles and presumably other up coming games on your 3DS- well you need to buy our 3rd? version in the last 2+/- years Want to own that Amiibo so badly you pay $50 to a scalper- well, we will re-release a ton of stock in the future for some (perhaps all) crashing the value of those instantly- hope yo guess riht when paying a premium -Yeah, that's what's happening.  I think that is the life of an amiibo.  To be a collectable, to be a scalped item, to be rare, to be like trading cards and are sought after by the collectors.  I honestly think that is the whole Amiibo deal.  That's what the platform is.  It works this way like a game.  A game only the hard core Nintendo collector will get play.  AMiibo will be available, but that's how amiibo works.  If I'm wrong, then Nintendo should fix it easily by a direct to buyer model.  But, because retailers love Nintendo and Nintendo wants to reward retailers, the direct to buy model won't be adopted.  Amiibo is what I described it to be, a platform like trading card games. 

PS: There are 2 or 3 of the "non rare" amiibo at Walmart now priced at $9.95+/- non sale price while the others are still $12.95+/-  -Yeah, knew that.  Bought 16 of them and they will prices for my store.  Every month, I have a raffle for all those who bought into my store membership club for $10 dollars.  $10 gets them an instant raffle ticket everyone month.  So far I've signed over 200 people in my small town.  Before giving away amiibos, I was giving three boosterpacks, or starterpacks, comic books, two pairs of Dr. Scholls insoles, or basically what ever was there and I didn't care to no longer have.  But now I'm giving away amiibos and in turn those winners will eventually use them during our bi-weekly smash amiibo tournament.  PS~

I'm a conspiracy theorist by the way.

Nice response -     

What kind of store do you have?-  The Amiibo raffle sounds like a great idea 

Is it possible for me to respond directly without using "quote" each time?

Someone told me before but it s been awhile and i can t remember