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Super Mario Galaxy 3 (or whatever the next 3D Mario is)
Animal Crossing Next
Luigi's Mansion 3

Should all be diverted to the next handheld launch window, with Mario Kart 9 planned for post-launch.

I don't think people realize that is going to be maybe the most important launch in Nintendo's history ... if they do poorly, they are screwed because any more losses on the handheld business side weakens them more and they can't afford to have any more slippage with handhelds. Their future as a dedicated hardware maker starts to look awfully cloudy. They must have a great start AND post launch period with the next handheld. 

Also I don't think Pokemon would be there at launch, Nintendo prefers to wait and build up userbase before releasing Pokemon. Capcom probably feels the same way about Monster Hunter 5 ... they'll probably want at least 2-3 million next-gen Nintendo handhelds install base in Japan.

If it's another poor launch, honestly Iwata should be fired too. Three .... *three* bad launches in a row? Get the fuck out, seriously, you can't be a leader of a company and lead a company into such bad situations when you had it in your power to plan better.

The bad 3DS launch did harsh damage to Nintendo and led into several years of losses, the Wii U has never really recovered from its crappy launch. A third poor or even so-so launch is unforgivable.

For once they should be over-prepared for a launch. If it means you have so many games that one or two of them has to be held off on releasing for a month or two to space out all your games, that's a good problem to have.