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There are games that are releasing this year that, to me, would feel a lot bigger if the last gen versions would just not exist. They can also finally end last gen due to how big they are. Dying Light and Mortal Kombat have canceled the last gen versions, so we're off to a good start.  Japan also needs to stop putting shit on the ps3.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

 - It's on the PS4, the Xbox One, the PS3 and the 360.

 - The 360 version will sell at most 100,000 copies

 - The PS3 sales can be turned into more PS4 sales if they just canceled the PS3 version

 - Would sell a lot of next gen systems if they just canceled the last gen versions

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3

 - Last gen versions haven't been announced yet but a lot of people seem to think they will have it on last gen

 - This would be the biggest system seller yet. There is currently 150,000 people playing multiplayer on the PS3 and 30,000 on zombies on Black Ops 2. That's 180,000 people playing Black Ops 2 just on the PS3, add the 360 version and that's well over 300,000 people playing Black Ops 2.

 - Many of those players will upgrade to either the PS4 or Xbox One (or possibly the Wii U) if they just keep it off last gen


Games like The Last Guardian, Persona 5, Project Cars, MLB: The Show, Forza and Gears of War and all of these other games can contribute to helping the PS4 and Xbox One grow by being exclusive to next gen.
