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marley said:
-Ack!- said:
I don't see how people can defend Nintendo by saying that AJ is using property that doesn't belong to him. WTF, he purchased the console, the games & accessories, they are HIS OWN PROPERTY.

Then he promotes these products on YT for free and gets money from ads. Then Nintendo claims that the video is their property, not the games, not the console, THE VIDEO made by AJ.

It is like claiming that a video review made by IGN is Nintendo's property because it features their game.

That doesn't make any difference in copyright law.  You own the physical item but not the work on the item.  In most cases it is illegal to copy and distribute those works without the creator's approval.  AJ does not own the intellectual property that he is profiting from.

The works in the video are Nintendo's property.  The artwork, story, and music all belong to them.  

Reviewers (IGN) are allowed use of short clips under fair use.      

So does AJ.

Besides he doesn't share that game via torrents, now that is against copyright laws.

Where in your right mind can you find it against copyright laws? Perhaps if I say "It's a me, Mario!" and tape it, Nintendo will sue me for copyright infringement. Because that's what's happening here basically. Random clips from the game and random voices in the backround do not justify this.