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RubberWhistleHistle said:

 umm.. yeah im not sure what you mean by the bolded statement. my whole argument here is that your choices are ps4/x1 or wii u. because those are the only two real "sides" that i see. so i dont see how they could have more exclusive content than the wii u? there is nothing shared between the wii u's library and the x1 and ps4's library, so however much more the ps4 or x1 have than the wii u, the wii u has the same amount of exclusivity over them.. since the library's of both are mutually exclusive from eachother. i hope i explained that well enough.


The basis of your argument is that because the PS4 and X1 are 'the same', while the WiiU is different, there are only two sides (PS4+X1 and WiiU). If the PS4 and X1 both had more exclusive games than the WiiU ('proper' exclusives that are only on a single platform), then the differences between the PS4 and X1 would actually be more significant than to the WiiU, which would matter more to a gamer than them being more similar overall.

Let's say there are 100 PS4 only games, 100 X1 only games, and 50 WiiU only games (and, for the sake of simplicity, every one of them is objectively identical in quality). If you buy a PS4 or X1, you lose out on 150 exclusives. If you buy a WiiU you lose out on 200. If you buy a WiiU + PS4 or X1, you lose out on 100. If you buy an X1 + PS4 you only lose out on 50. Thus, even if you already owned a PS4 or X1, you'd still benefit more from buying the other than a WiiU. That quite clearly sets the dynamic as PS4 vs X1 vs WiiU, not PS4/X1 vs WiiU.

Technically there would still be a larger overall gap between the PS4 or X1 vs the WiiU than PS4 vs X1, but that would only really be relevant if someone was making an argument like "the WiiU is different because it's missing all this stuff".

That all said, I do agree with you that anyone who owns [y] and says they hate everything about [x] while still buying multiplats is being silly. I very rarely see anyone do that though. Usually people just say they prefer one or the other, and everyone automatically knows they're referring to the unique parts of each (since it being about what they share would make no sense). To that extent the console warz between them makes just as much sense as it does with the WiiU (even now).