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torok said:

Why would IGN be legit doing a Nintendo video and a guy on YouTube wouldn't? Equal rights. Nobody wants a wild west on YouTube, that's why it has rules and bans guys that violate copyright. But Nintendo is threatening guys that simply are using their content under fair use rights.

I'm sick of this thread and people defending this kind of behavior. To put it simple, the other 2 let people do this and they even put a native DVR in the consoles to make it even easier: just one button press to share a video or stream it. They are embracing their communities, not trying to shut down it. What Nintendo will get? A lot of YouTubers will stop making Nintendo videos and will keep doing PS/XB/PC gameplays. They are important nowadays. If I'm planning to by a game, I will se a let's play. It's the best way to know if it's good or not without relying in the currently imprecise critics opinion.

This is 90s mindset. This is the exactly mindset that puts them in the fragile position they are today.

Certainly equal rights, but let's not go to say IGN = random Youtube video guy/gal.  Where IGN is an institution with a background, the random dude who came to youtube 11 months ago is wanting to get top pay for something he's just backpacking on anyways.  And they never threaten bodily harm, that's one thing.  If just to notify a dude using their images and IPs to stop, and using legal action, which is a right of NIntendo to have and to use, then how is that really a bad thing.  Clearly they see the backlash and have not remedied this.  Its not like they don't know.  There was a choice between control or free advertisment and they choose the former.

Nintendo does what no one else does.  They don't want this platform of video sharing.  It is a small part of their more grander business model.  This was a thing they tacked on to youtube because it was an unforseen opsticle.  That's how much they care about free advertisement.  The other 2 can do what they want with their business plans, but nintendo doesn't see it as an overall missed opportunity.  Let the other 2 have their bountiful amount of internet youtube stars.  Because Nintendo will have their own in the small pocket of Official Nintendo Youtube Partners.  Blue ocean baby.  Ready to spout out the things only Nintendo wants them to say.  They'll be the WWE of the game world.  Nintendo is Vince McMohan and all their youtube players will be their wreslters.  "No Michael Cole, don't say how much Cena sucks.  Do as I tell you!"  haha.  

This mindset in Nintendo is something they'll never get rid of.  Its to their benefit to keep this mindset even by being behind the times.  It's just Nintendo.  When everyone moved from cartridges to CD base, Nintendo kept at it, teathering on the brink of customer scrutiny and success.  Yet here they are making the same mistakes but maintaining their individuality no other company in their field can bolster.  They've always been in a fragile position, but that's the nature of the beast and they're still in the green.

Don't be sick of this thread, just come back with more ideas, that's how it becomes fun.