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ToraTiger said:
Holy chit people are still posting in here? Forgot all about this thread

Allow me to indulge in some playful deconstruction :)

This thread I see is two days old. You by contrast seem surprised that people are still if the thread was dug up to continue the conversation. I would like to inquire as to how old you are, and be honest. Because you sir are possibly a stereotypical millenial of todays world.

People who are always connected, who can never experience a moment of nothingness. Moving from social media to social media, from one article to the next, from one celebrity news to the latest tweets. It becomes a blurr. By the day ends, you can say you gained so much, whether it be knowedge from all the up-to-date news events you follow or friend activity, or just sheer entertainment from all the content you consumed.

Yet as shown here, you see so much, you fail to stop and smell the roses so to speak. You find it hard to recollect many places you visited online and when a familiar one is brought back to your attention, it seemed like forever since you last viewed it.But what you don't realize, is that most of it is not practical; you have little to show for all you experienced, save some conversation topics at the next social gathering you attend

Only two days passed. Makes you think doesn't it.

I would suggest picking favourites, whether it be social media or news sites to get your daily information. Take it in, but also appreciate what is going around you in the outside world.

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