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The numbers are not only late, but also very unreliable. What purpose do they serve (whenever they come out) when they will still be stealthily edited and adjusted at a later date without any notice of such action.
I also notice the forums getting less and less traffic, very few threads being created, and that is a direct result of the lack of numbers.

I also don't understand their focus on reporting news, when all they do is just copy news from other websites. I cannot remember when (or if I ever) saw a VGC news item that was not already reported elsewhere, sometimes several days in advance.

I guess it's still useful for NPD/Media Create/UK software threads, but other than that there is little reason why people should stick around. I get my news from better and more reliable websites, the sales numbers as well. Maybe it's time to stop giving VGC my clicks (especially since they try to force download suspicious files onto my phone).