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This is not surprising, seeing how you don't watch youtube. Because you obviously have no clue what the most popular youtubers actually do.

The games they play are not their product. The product is their commentary. Saying that they don't deserve the proceeds of the content they create is like saying reviewers shouldn't be paid because they're only talking about games other people made.

Most good channels go way beyond just LPs and reviews and deliver news and opinion pieces, basically doing critique and journalism(the good ones at least). So no, they're not just doing some videos on the internet and profiting of other people's material. They're just using it as a stepping stone to create their own material.

That being said, I don't think Nintendo needs any defending in this matter. They are on the right side of the law. But that doesn't omit criticism.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.