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RolStoppable said:
Mummelmann said:

Entirely possible, but if we let posting history decide everything; there are many users we should not take seriously, you and I are both among them.

Anyway; this is not very productive for any of us. I stand by my personal view though; DLC is not good in general, regardless of who makes it and despite every odd bit of decent content.

That's a pretty random post. Anyway, I've never had an issue with an image that not all of my posts should be taken seriously; after all, a lot of my posts are not meant to be serious.

Now I wonder how I forgot to mention Ubisoft back then...

Ubisoft are worse than Activision/Blizzard but still behind EA, that's my take on it anyway.

I know your style very well and not to take everything seriously, but that's kind of the problem with internet forums; people change over time, I know we both have and I don't always know where everyone stands (some users are downright weird and I never got them, like JoeTheBro, he's a true mystery to me).

I think I'll leave this thread alone now, I've derailed it enough and the user in question seems entirely uninterested in carrying on the conversation as well.