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forest-spirit said:
Teeqoz said:
forest-spirit said:

Why put any games at all on home consoles? You have to remember that Nintendo only cares about home consoles because they have a home console of their own. If Nintendo gets rid of their home consoles they'd focus on the remaining parts of their eco-system, where their portable console would be given highest priority.

I don't understand how putting smaller titles on the platform that is part of the eco-system and moving the big guns to platforms not part of said system makes much sense from a business perspective. If anything it should be the other way around but the better choice would be to create all titles for the handheld system. That way they'd have a platform that would get a handful of big games each year, and smaller titles to fill in the blanks in between these heavy hitters. Not having to make two versions of games such as Mario Kart and New Super Mario Bros. would free up resources and make it possible for Nintendo to create new entries for all of their franchises in addition to making new IP's, something they have not been able to do before. As a result they'd end up with a strong platform with a good variety of games, both big and small, and they'd have full control over it. And in case Nintendo do want to make another Mario Kart for a different platform to increase profits the mobile market offers much more potential than home consoles so that's where those games most likely would end up.

See my post above.


Scenario 1: Nintendo makes 1 Mario Kart for their handheld, and that sells 10 million. Then, instead of making the HC Mario Kart, they make some other title, which, let's say sells 3 million (Imo this is pretty generous).

Scenario 2: Nintendo makes 1 Mario Kart for their handheld, and that once again sells 10 million. Then they make a HC multiplat Mario Kart that also sells 10 million combined across all platforms.

Scenario 3: Nintendo makes a single Mario Kart for their portable system, and supports this title with DLC as they have done with MK8. Then they make another Maro Kart for mobiles, which thanks to being a lot less demanding in terms of resources compared to a home console game gives the team the opportunity to work on a new Diddy Kong racing, F-Zero or perhaps Nintendogs (made by the MK team) for handhelds and/or mobiles. Pretty sure that Nintendogs on mobiles has quite the potential. Nintendo could also choose to have the team help out with other projects, something they tend to do quite a lot.


From a pure financial perspective do you still consider Scenario 2 to be the best option?

Scenario 4: Nintendo makes a single Mario Kart for their portable system, and supports this title with DLC (why did you assume that wouldn't be the case in scenario 2 really?) Then the same team make another Mario Kart for mobiles, using assets from the normal handheld one. Meanwhile, the home console team make one home console Mario Kart multiplat, and after that make Nintendogs + cats mobile or whatever.

I consider that the best option for Nintendo from a pure financial perspective (well, I'm a bit iffy on actually releasing a mobile Mario Kart, those are not the types of games that work well on mobile, and if it actually does really well, it might feed on the handheld Mario Kart)