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Gaming Discussion - Why VR? - View Post

fory77 said:
Aeolus451 said:

For one, VR isn't a gimmick that's just good for one generation or 2. VR is the evolution of gaming and will be further advanced throughout the generations. Eventually, we'll be able to to wear a helmet and just lay in bed to play games in virtual world.

I was talking about VR in its current/very near future state and not its far future - which i guess was the point :/ 

I think VR will just come and go this/next generation and once (if) technology has advanced enough for what you said to be possible, it will come back into mainstream gaming.

I think that you're underestimating what it can do now. Certain genres work really well with the tech. It has to start somewhere and that doesn't mean we don't use it until it's in the far future. I believe that it's a the point for it to work well with games now.