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Xxain said:
StarOcean said:
With Fire Emblem and SMT x FE I've noticed an ever growing anti-eastern art from Nintendo fans. Not just here but other websites as well. Either it's super ironic people complain about a Japanese company being Japanese or just shows the FE community needs to grow up because they're a super intolerant bunch XD

Pokemon used to be heavily Akira Toriyama-esque but has evolved into a anime-westernish hybrid artstyle wise but you don't see me crying about it. Games and their style change over time, its an inevitability.

Read my above post. 

A game doesn't need to change for western taste. It sold well, better than any in the series, regardless of how the irrelevant hardcore FE audience thinks. They see what works and among other things they'll pay attention to is the art direction and encourage it and have, as apparent in the latest in the series. Expect to see more of it if you continue to play the latest itterations in the series.