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zorg1000 said:
Teeqoz said:
zorg1000 said:

With more affordable hardware, sold at a profit along with strong advertising/marketing, I think Nintendo can certainly get back to their 100 million hardware, 500 million software, $5 billion profits per generation that they had back in the 4th/5th/6th gen. If they can do that then there is absolutely no reason for Nintendo to go 3rd party.

Except if they could get more than their normal $5 billion profits per generation from going 3rd party....

U don't just bail out of a market that gives u $1 billion annually for something that may or may not pay off, if Nintendo was in some dire situation like Sega was than yes they should try their hand at being a 3rd party developer but they aren't so there is no reason to.

Once we take into account things like mobile games/apps, Quality of Life, Amiibo and IP licensing (films/series) than they could possibly be posting DS/Wii-era profits which was about $15 billion over the course of 5 years.

Nintendo is in a good position to make alot of money in the future, there is no reason to abandon dedicated hardware unless it's something that needs to be done and in Nintendo's case, it's not something that need to be done.

When/if Nintendo is in a dire situation like SEGA was, it's already to late.