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Anfebious said:
Ka-pi96 said:

Quality is hard to say one way or the other. Personally I usually prefer 3rd party games. So how about we use metacritic?

On metacritic there are 51 PS3 games with a 90+ rating. I only count 12 exclusives there, so that means 39 were multiplat games.
How about Xbox 360? 54 90+ games. I count 11 exclusives there (including ME 1/2 which were timed), so 43 multiplat games.

In both cases there are many more highly rated multiplat games than exclusives. So why can't Nintendo be one of those highly rated 3rd party developers?

Sony and Microsoft get most of their sales from third party games so it's not surprising to see more high quality third party games on the list.

Let's look at the Wii now. Games wiht 90+ are 14. Out of those, there are 8 first party titles and 6 third party games.

Nintendo software is the one that drives the hardware and the other way around. The fact that the Wii U is a POS is driving the software down.

Nintendo doesn't need to go third party they need to get both hardware and software right.

That does not take from the fact that many devs manage to make quality games despite developping for multiple, and far more different platforms than the PS4/XBO/PC, so there's no reason why Nintendo shouldn't be able to do the same. Sure, it'll be a big change, but if they ease their way into it, by making their devs getting used to the dev kits for the new platforms before they start the actual shift, I don't see why Nintendo would suddenly start making shit games.