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It's success seems like a dream come true. I watched in shock as the PS3 was abandoned almost right away after launch. After the huge success of PS and PS2, I thought there would be brand loyalty by those that supported those systems. I stayed loyal, but few did. I could not afford it for years, but I waited til I could. I just continued playing PS2.

PS3 did eventually become a success, but not at the level of it's predecessors. I thought Sony had lost it's fanbase and I didn't fully understand why. The price? Yeah 360 was cheaper, but not THAT much cheaper. Also, PS3 had slightly better tech. I felt that after so many years of a huge variety of games, we owed some allegiance. Apparently, few felt that way.

To my amazement, many of the XB360 hardcore have abandoned MS and went back to PS with the PS4! Why? It can't just be price. MS matched PS4's price and then went even lower. Yet, PS4 is still outselling XB1. Is it the bad PR from MS early on? It doesn't even seem that that should be enough. I wouldn't have abandoned PS over that, though I would have been upset to some degree.

Whatever the reason, PS4 is a huge success, nearly doubling the XB1 worldwide. I'm confused, and even Sony is. However I'm glad PS is back on top. I feel that Sony offers the best variety and has the little extra horsepower. 

PS4 has nearly 50% of the world's home console marketshare. It should reach that soon. Is there a chance of it reaching PS2 sales? I think there's a chance!