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curl-6 said:
Soundwave said:
Platina said:
Thank you curl!

This is why it doesn't make sense for Zelda U to be multiplat. I still think that the NX is a handheld though

The next Nintendo handheld could very well be as powerful, maybe if more powerful than the Wii U. 

This I very much doubt, I expect it to be closer to the Vita in power.

Vita is freaking ancient tech. It's the same chip as a third gen iPad from March 2012. There's nothing magical about it. 

An iPhone 5s runs circles around a Vita chip and that is dated itself. 

The next Nintendo handheld will be more powerful than some people think IMO. It will be unified platform so for the first time a Nintendo handheld will have to be able to run all the the "big" Nintendo games, not just the "little brother" versions of them. 

Wii U ports will definitely be on the table IMO. Besides Nintendo will need a higher end experience on their traditional handhelds going forward to justify why people should buy a Nintendo handheld in an age where Nintendo IP will be on the iPhone/Android for kids/casuals. Their handhelds likely have to go more upmarket in this scenario. 

Next handheld is part of new NX line which will be a new hardware philosophy from Nintendo, the DS/3DS line ends with the New 3DS IMO.