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RolStoppable said:
1. Why would Nintendo do that? Gimping a game that was developed for Wii U hardware in the first place would be more work than delivering a polished game.

2. The same people would have had to buy Nintendo hardware in any case, and in this scenario they would still get Zelda for their already bought Wii U.

3. The result of this would be that such people buy hardware at the time Zelda comes out instead of buying a system years in advance. What's the problem here?

Holy crap, I actually agree with Rol. 

Whiny fans need to get over themselves. 

There's nothing wrong with more people getting to enjoy a great game and it helping Nintendo overall as a business (more copies sold, good launch title). 

Saying you need to keep a game away from other consumers to enjoy it is petty and childish. The Wii U is still getting the game, and NX may launch first as a portable (and later with a console variant), so it could be a very different type of device anyway. 

I don't care if the 3DS gets Mario Maker or if the 3DS got a port of Star Fox, even though I've waited 20 years for Star Fox. I'd be happy if more people got to play it. 

If it helps Nintendo as a business, they should do it. Don't let your business be held hostage by a couple of noisy, but minority little portion of the Zelda fanbase on the internet. If Zelda can help the NX launch and it's doable to port ... then do it. It worked great with Twilight Princess and the Wii, no one can deny that. 

There were GameCube fans very angry about TP being put on Wii too, and the "well they got Wind Waker" didn't really hold water either because in their eyes TP was the game Nintendo promised them since that Spaceworld 2000 demo. And to add insult to injury, Nintendo delayed the GameCube version a couple of weeks so Wii owners could play it first, lol. 

They got over it.