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I'm torn. My #1 choice is from a third party, and I don't know/expect third party characters to get a lot of serious consideration.

Ideally I want to suggest Zeke and Julie from Zombies Ate My Neighbors. For those of you who have played it, think about all the potential moves that could be used from the series, everything from the cross you us against werewolves to throwing 6 packs of soda! And all the crazy stuff that goes on in those games, I can picture their final smash unleashing the giant baby. They could be the same character and you could swap out skins between the two, as they could play in essentially the same way.

Realistically though I might have to go with King K Rool or Dixie Kong.

Systems I own: Switch, Wii U, Wii, N64, Retron 5 for my Ness, SNES, Genesis, Gameboy line games, Dreamcast, PS2, New 3DS.