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LivingMetal said:
Here is something I posted on my Facebook page:

"I love you Jesus. It's through your unconditional love of grace that I am pulled from an eternity of alienation from the Father. I just hope that you will use me to show that same love so that others can see your immanence so that they can know you, too. I say this in particular because as soon as I voice my convictions in regards to not condoning the spiritual union (marriage) of same sex couples, I will commonly be labeled as a hater, bigot, unintelligent, ignorant, etc. It seems that there is a growing trend that Christians (those who accept Jesus and Jesus alone as their Savior, NON cultural Christians) who voice their convictions are being persecuted through personal passion and legality for showing the love that Jesus showed them. Jesus loves sinners not for their sins, but because of their sins. Everyone is a sinner, and only Jesus can cover and amend that sin in our hearts. He loves thieves, adulterers, murderers, homosexuals, idolators, etc. because they all have a need for him. I have a need for him. And because of my relationship with him, he has taught me to love all sinners as hard as it can be since it's far easier to hate back than to return with love. And that includes those who are and are condoning the sin of homosexuality. Some of my greatest influences during my art studies are homosexual. I have relatives who are homosexual whom I love and respect as much as those who are heterosexual. I have neighbors who are homosexual whom I hope to get to know better. I can still love them, respect them, and accept them, but that doesn't mean I condone their sin or anyone else's sin for that matter including my own. Yet, the world wants to label me words of hate when I'm only displaying the exact opposite This is at best narrow-minded and at worst closed-minded and self-serving. I can "tolerate" them, but why not can they "tolerate" my convictions? For those Christians who think I'm too liberal in my love for sinners (in particular homosexuals in context of this status), you might need to reexamine your definition of God's grace. For those of you who cannot accept my Biblical convictions of only condoning marriage (the becoming of one flesh) between male and female, you need to stop taking out your convictions on everyone else who doesn't share your lifestyle."

Jesus teaches love, wisdom, and discernment. Jesus is progressive. Jesus is anti-religious. It takes His grace alone to have an open heart that goes well beyond the false comforts of narrow human hypocritical reasoning.

Jesus does teach a belief system in him. For instance, "no one shall enter heaven but through me". The words of a religious leader.