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Ruler said:
KungKras said:

Dreamcast was a better console than PS2 up until it was discontinued (comparing the console libraries at that time). It gave better value for money and had tons of fun games.

Now it's overglorified by the same people who abandoned it in favour of the Sonyfication of gaming. The Dreamcast is interesting as it really is, even without all the nerd hype.

EDIT: The dreamcast is one of the best consoles ever though. That people found a way to still play Phantasy Star online on it should be a testament to that.

PS2 was fully backwards compatible with PS1 games, people could sell their PS1s to upgrade. Dreamcast couldnt.

Thank god they didn't try that, Sega saturn emulation was worthless for years because of the layout of that console, if they had warped the Dreamcast to be able to play those games it would not have been a good system on it's own. "Saturn has a dual-CPU architecture and a total of eight processors" you really don't want to be trying to emulate that shit on DC hardware, woulda killed it.

My history of the DC has some love for it, games like Phantasy star online soaked up hundreds of hours of my life, Skies of Arcadia, Soul Calibur, Crazy Taxi, Sonic Adventure 1+2, Powerstone 1+2 I mean.. the console had some damn amazing games... but... also some issues, I hated the controller from day one, why put a cable on the underneath of it? and such a short almost megadrive lenght of cable was baffling to me. I also had hardware issues with my first dc where it liked to at times think the cd bay was open... which the instant the console sees that door as open it resets the system back to the dashboard which was the end of me enjoying rpgs on it after a long session ended suddenly at the dash board one night was the last big play my first DC got.






Speaking of great Sega machines tho, spent my night playing a Sonic 2 cart on my Game Gear that I found at a thrift store the other day... damn that game is rockers hard, went back to my copy of Streets of Rage after a bunch of failure but gotta love the Game Gear for trying to take on the Gameboy back in Nintendomination.

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