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It means for all intensive purposes people in these countries won't play Manhunt 2. People here who think a hundred thousand people will import this game from other countries are out of their mind. Very few will import. They'll go and buy Resident Evil 4 and forget Manhunt 2 ever exsisted. Maybe if it was GTA yeah a lot would import, but Manhunt doesn't cause very much excitement among gamers, so most will say to hell with it.

I agree with this normally. However, if the game is good and gets good press from those who play it, then the demand will go up and people will go out of their way to get it. We'll have to see how the reviews go, but as of right now it's considered a good game in it's won right (NGamer 92% review). IGN has also given it high praise, so we'll see how it works out when it is reviewed here. Word of mouth can really give the game legs in the long term.
