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Ruler said:
McDonaldsGuy said:
Because it's an old game for one thing. It can be bought for like $10 now. It doesn't need a remaster.

It's a reason for them not to include backward compatibility.

If they remastered God of War I-Ascension that makes more sense.

If they would include backwards compatibillity the ps4 would end being larger, having cell cpu in it, costing 600$+ and with 10% failure rate

That would be true, but they could do it via emulation or at least try (like the 360 tried). If that doesn't work give us a power based converter add-on for like $70.

The reason Sony doesn't want BC is because they want to sell us old games like this. God of War III does not in any way need a remaster. The fact is Sony doesn't have enough original games for the PS4 to even warrant this remaster... there's still no Uncharted 4, Gran Turismo 7, Guerilla Games WRPG, etc. etc. yet they are remastering a 2010 game that looks good still.