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Not sure why the hate for remasters. If you don't like them then don't buy them. Personally I've already played GOWIII on PS3 so I have no need to buy it but I would love Ascension to come to PS4 because I haven't played it. I could buy it for my PS3 but I would rather play the sexier version on the PS4. I have that option and choice is what we want.

Remasters do not take much away from the main studios as it's relatively a small job compared creating a new game and even 3rd party developers sometimes are tasked with the job. These remasters do not replace original games.

Hate is unjustified and is wrongly used as a weapon against the PS4. I'm glad I have a chance to pick up a superior versions of an original game that I missed the first time around. GTAV and TLOU on PS4 have been worth my hard earned.