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Isn't this game essentially still in the alpha stages and potentially more than a year away from release? Plenty of time for SE to optimize the game for both consoles. Despite the PS4 being the lead platform for the game, the X1 will still have a healthy install base when the game is released, especially in NA. Bigger install base = more sales for SE.

The only people complaining about this are Sony fans who think every major 3rd party release, especially ones by Japanese developers, should be exclusive to their console of choice just like the "good ol days" of the PS1 and 2 era. Nevermind the fact that FF began life as a Nintendo-exclusive franchise, and since then other than the occasional remake of FF I-VI on handhelds, Nintendo fans have gotten the shaft when it comes to FF releases since the PS1 / N64 days, having only received a couple of spinoffs here and there on consoles.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.