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DevilRising said:

All it is, is NIntendo searching new ways to draw people in to wanting to actually buy Nintendo consoles to play REAL Nintendo games. They even openly discussed this as a possibility like a year ago. It's hardly a surprise. Shallow little mobile experiences (which most of them are anyway), with some Nintendo IP paint, to whet new prospective buyers' appetites for wanting to dive into real, honest to god Nintendo gaming.

Not a bad thing at all. Just a new revenue stream and a new method of advertising.



P.S. To those who seem to be utterly oblivious, this does NOT, in any way shape or conceivable form, mean that Nintendo is "going third party". They are still and shall remain a first party console maker. Iwata even said "we're more dedicated now than ever to dedicated game consoles". There will still be Nintendo systems. The next one, as I've been assuming for quite some time now, will likely be unveiled in part next year, and actually released in 2017.


So no. This isn't going to lead to fanboys "finally" getting to play Mario on Playstation/Xbox. Sorry kiddos. ;)

Why is that such a spur up some people's rear ends though really?

If casual iPhone gamers can enjoy Nintendo content now, I don't think its neccessarily all that taboo for sh*t on other fanbases. 

It's clear if anything today that the 90s/2000s are over.