nuckles87 said: The video isn't complaining about a lack of next-gen exclusive titles. He actually mentioned two cross-gen titles as examples of games he wishes there were more of. He's not even really complaining about the QUALITY of the titles. He's talking about two things: the unreliability of release dates for big titles, and the lack of GROUND BREAKING, GENRE DEFINING titles. Like how Dead Rising and Just Cause introduced new scale and openness to previously enclosed, small genres like zombie horror and action shooter games. How games like CoD4 and Halo 4 redefined first person shooters for a new generation (I suspect he was mostly referring to multiplayer). How Gears of War pretty much revolutionized how third person shooters would play. I mean, I never played games like these before I played them on my Xbox 360. I never played an open world zombie game or a game with Halo 3's level of multiplayer (which blew what Halo 2 did out of the water) or pretty much ANYTHING like Gears of War before GoW came out. He's mentioned a few titles like Titanfall and Shadow of Mordor as games this gen that did that, so he's not saying there's a dearth either. There just aren't enough
These days, originality is getting more and more elusive. Everything (hyperbole) has been done already. It will take time before this guy's standards are met.
As for me, I'm enjoying the hell out of this generation (best so far IMO).