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Can't thanks one person only, so I'll thank teams a whole:

Tri-Crescendo - Eternal Sonata and Fragile Dreams are works of art. Never in my life I felt so attached to a game that one of it's soundtrack songs (which they also are excellent at) made me shed a tear. While I haven't finished Baten Kaitos; I can tell your influence in that game. Your artistry and references to music in your games (which by being a music major, I appreciate very much) are beautifully crafted and I hope to see more. Thank You!

Multiple Nintendo teams - Without them, my childhood wouldn't be the same. Countless hours of fun with their works. Can't thank Nintendo enough.

And I can't list every developer that made me a videogame collector and lover, but gaming is a big part of my life. One of my favorite hobbies, thanks to all of them for such amazing experiences.

PS: Hironobu Sakaguchi and Shigeru Miyamoto are DA MEN.