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outlawauron said:
MDMAlliance said:

Not really.  You use the word "meaningful" but the PS4 does NOT have a continual flow of "meaningful" titles in Japan.  The Wii U has more in regards to the Japanese market, yet it's not selling more than the PS4.  Also, the PS Vita may be selling more than the Wii U, but the PS Vita is by far selling much worse than the 3DS overall, and still hasn't overtaken the 3DS in weekly sales regardless of the fact that the PS Vita is getting many weekly releases.

But it does right now. There's a 6 figure game releasing each week until April. That's why the PS4 isn't dropping and that's why it's going to continue selling well until the games stop coming in. This isn't comparable to Wii U's release schedule. Overall library doesn't have a large impact on this week's sales.

Vita's software isn't comparable to 3DS for what really moves HW. The fact that the Vita has had healthy sales for the past year shows that the games it gets are keeping it from being in the 4 digit range.

You say "right now" and then list that it has 6 figure games releasing each week until April.  Clearly the "each week" isn't starting this week, since there isn't a 6 figure game this week, and there was only one 6 figure game on the PS4 in the past 5 weeks, yet the PS4 managed to maintain its range.  Surely you would notice that a gaming that is "coming out" has little effect on the sales prior to its release.

Basically, what you said earlier is that you tried claiming that the PS4 does NOT have a hold on the Japanese market, and that it is only seeing healthy weekly releases (not quite true, since the top new PS4 release this week sold 16k) so that's why it's selling as well as it is.  Your claim is basically to say that the PS4 will go back to the 4 digit range once the flow stops.  

It IS true that a steady flow of games is important for keeping weekly sales up, but if the market isn't really buying into your product, the baseline will be lower.  

Here's what you said to me originally:
Or just that healthy software =s healthy hardware. Good continual releases is exactly what a struggling console needs. Not one game and then a drought for 5 months.

I already stated to you earlier that they don't have to be mutually exclusive things to begin with. However, the PS4 did NOT have a big release this week is the point, but it maintained the sales. You could claim that it's carry over from Dragon Quest, but you don't KNOW that. I didn't claim to know it either.

edit: I probably wont respond after this, since I kind of don't like where this is going anyway.  It's kind of a pointless argument in the end since it's purely based off of speculation.